The largest in the Balkans lake draws attention by its unique beauty, being a national park with its own culture and history under UNESCO protection. There are 282 specimen of birds, 38 specimen of fish and unique and the only kind of pelican, called “curly pelican”, which is under the threat and a security mark of the National Park. Lake Skadar is the only place left where you can see the pelicans living in natural conditions. Pass by the hotel island of St. Stephen, take 5 minutes for the photos, travel through Petrovac, the tunnel and get to the Lake Skadar shore, to the village Vranina, the oldest village on Skadar lake (13th century). Transfer to the ship and look out over the beauties of the lake - a place, where the Morača river is mouthing to Lake Skadar, Lesendro Fortress, built in the 18th century and serving as a defense from the Turkish attacks during the period of sovereignty of Prince-Bishop Petar II Petrovic-Njegos. Then have a look at lotus plantation, take pictures and have a swim. You will be stunned with the wonderful views of the Orthodox Kom Monastery, the fortress of Žabljak Crnojevića – an island fortress on Lake Skadar (it is supposed to have been built in the 10th century).
Then pass by the fishermen’s villages Karsc and Dodoši and finish the cruise on Crnojević River. It is famous by its unique beauty and its suburbs are rich with the tourist attractions – small fishermen’s villages and old churches. Have a free time for half an hour and set off for the way back.